Word Study: Chesed

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The Hebrew word chesed חסד is translated as Lovingkindness, Favor, Mercy, and Kindness.

For someone in need, any kindness or mercy shown to them is as if someone opened a door ד to a place of refuge חס.  

Chesed is one of the foundations of GOD, meaning it is part of who HE is. “But thou, O LORD, art a GOD full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy (chesed) and truth.” (Psalm 86)

As an example of our Father’s chesed, David sought out a descendant of Saul to show them (and us) the chesed of GOD. So, he found Mephibosheth. He was living on a property that wasn’t his own. David restored to him all the land that belonged to his fathers, and gave him a seat at his table, where he would eat as one of the king’s own sons. (2 Samuel 9)

It was promised to David that HE would not remove HIS chesed from David’s son as HE had taken it from Saul. In YASHUA, we inherit this promise and receive our Father’s mercy, favor, and kindness. (2 Samuel 7, Isaiah 55)

HE desires chesed, not sacrifice. (Hosea 6, Matthew 9 & 12)

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does THE LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy (chesed), and to walk humbly with your GOD? (Micah 6)

Those he calls godly (as in godly men and women) are the ones who have chesed, as HE has chesed towards men. They are the חסיד  (chasid). This word is also translated as HIS saints.

Because our fathers were unfaithful in practicing chesed, they were removed from the land. HE said their chesed was like a morning cloud which soon disappeared, so HE made them disappear from the land like a morning cloud. (Hosea 6 & 13)

To those with chesed, HE shows chesed. (Psalm 18, Matthew 5)

Video: His Mercy (Chesed) is Forever

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