Generations of the World is a series of presentations and discussions about Bible history, Bible prophecy, and the Book of Enoch. The series includes 8 videos, along with downloadable resources such as PowerPoints, PDFs, and more, all free and dedicated to the public domain. Watch commercial-free or download for free using the links below, or click here to watch the series on YouTube.
Episode 1 -
Enoch and the 10 Weeks: From Adam to Millennium
Introduction to the Book of Enoch, Enoch’s 10 Weeks Prophecy, and identifying the generation that shall not pass away.
Enoch’s 10 Weeks Presentation
(Free PDF)
Enoch’s 10 Weeks Presentation
(Free PowerPoint)
For a fuller explanation of Enoch’s 10 Weeks Prophecy, see our article To the Watchmen Part 3: End Times Prophecies
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 2 -
Enoch's 364 Day Year: Ancient Calendar of Israel
Introduction to Enoch’s Calendar, with answers to common questions and information on how a 364 day year affects our understanding of end time prophecies.
In this video we also discuss how the Flood may have changed the length of a year on earth, and share insights on why we believe the popular 360 Day “prophetic year” is an incorrect way of looking at Scripture.
For a fuller explanation of Enoch’s Calendar, see our article To the Watchmen – Part 1: Father’s 364 Day Calendar
Enoch’s Calendar Presentation
(Free PowerPoint):
Includes slides from the video with animations.
Enoch’s Calendar Presentation
(Free PDF):
Free Calendar Kit (PDF):
Includes the calendar in circular and table formats, with instructions on how to keep track of the dates.
Free Calendar Kit (xls):
Includes editable calendar tables, with a list of Gregorian dates converted to Father’s Calendar dates from 1948-2040 AD. Also has a date lookup function.
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 3 -
Adam and the Nephilim: History Before the Flood
The fall of man, the Nephilim and their future judgment, why GOD said “ascribe all sin to Azazel,” and what we have to look forward to in the days to come.
Free Bible Timeline Spreadsheet (xls):
This copyright-free work tracks the years of the patriarchs from Adam to Jacob, Israel’s years in Egypt, the wilderness and The Land, sabbath years and Jubilees, and much more. Years from Adam to today are converted to BC/AD dates using a 364 day year.
Free Bible Timeline Summary (PDF)
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 4 -
Lost Sheep: A History of Ancient Israel
In this episode, we discuss the history of ancient Israel – from patriarchs such as Abraham, through the arrival of JESUS CHRIST, MESSIAH (YASHUA HA MASHIACH). Video topics include Israel’s 400 years in Egypt, the Biblical timeline, the Lost Tribes of Israel, Ezekiel’s 390 year prophecy, the Second Greater Exodus, and Enoch’s Parable of the Animals.
For a fuller explanation of Bible history from Adam through YASHUA and our views on biblical chronology, see our article To the Watchmen Part 2: The Biblical Timeline
History of Ancient Israel Presentation
(Free PowerPoint):
Includes slides from the video. Some slides feature Paleo Hebrew and require the OHFont.
Download the font from our Downloads page
History of Ancient Israel Presentation
(Free PDF):
Free Bible Timeline Spreadsheet (xls):
This copyright-free work tracks the years of the patriarchs from Adam to Jacob, Israel’s years in Egypt, the wilderness and The Land, sabbath years and Jubilees, and much more. Years from Adam to today are converted to BC/AD dates using a 364 day year.
Free Bible Timeline Summary (PDF)
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 5 -
Daniel’s 70 Weeks: End Times Timeline Part 1
Addressing common misconceptions about end-times, new developments on the end-times timeline, and how taking a close look at the Hebrew words behind Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy impacts our understanding of the days to come.
For a fuller explanation of end-times prophecies, see our article To the Watchmen Part 3: End Times Prophecies
For a fuller explanation of the end-times timeline, see our article To the Watchmen Part 4: End Times Timeline
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 6 -
Has Daniel’s Prophecy Been Fulfilled? End Times Timeline Part 2
Reasons why Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy has not yet been fulfilled, and an explanation of the events in Daniel’s final week, including the covenant, the stopping of sacrifices, and the abomination of desolation.
Why Daniel’s 70 Weeks Are Not Yet Fulfilled Presentation
(Free PowerPoint):
Includes slides from the video. Some slides feature Paleo Hebrew and require the OHFont.
Download the font from our Downloads page
Why Daniel’s 70 Weeks Are Not Yet Fulfilled Presentation
(Free PDF):
For a fuller explanation of end-times prophecies, see our article To the Watchmen Part 3: End Times Prophecies
For a fuller explanation of the end-times timeline, see our article To the Watchmen Part 4: End Times Timeline
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 7 -
"What Shall Be the End of These Things?" End Times Timeline Part 3
An explanation of Daniel’s 2300 days, “time, times and half a time,” Revelation’s 42 months, the abomination of desolation, the mark of the beast, and Daniel’s 1290 days.
End Times Timeline Presentation
(Free PowerPoint):
Includes timelines and other slides from episodes 7 & 8. Some slides feature Paleo Hebrew and require the OHFont.
Download the font from our Downloads page
End Times Timeline Presentation
(Free PDF):
For a fuller explanation of end-times prophecies, see our article To the Watchmen Part 3: End Times Prophecies
For a fuller explanation of the end-times timeline, see our article To the Watchmen Part 4: End Times Timeline
Free episode download: Click here
Episode 8 -
End Times Timeline Part 4: The Full Picture
Daniel’s 1335 day prophecy and its possible connection to the Second Exodus, the Day of the LORD, and why “no man knows the day or the hour.”
In this episode, we also discuss the Parable of the Ten Virgins and highlight key watch dates for those who follow His times and seasons.
End Times Timeline Presentation
(Free PowerPoint):
Includes timelines and other slides from episodes 7 & 8. Some slides feature Paleo Hebrew and require the OHFont.
Download the font from our Downloads page
End Times Timeline Presentation
(Free PDF):
Just the Timelines
(Free PDF):
Condensed presentation showing just the full End Times Timelines and 1335 Days slides.
For a fuller explanation of end-times prophecies, see our article To the Watchmen Part 3: End Times Prophecies
For a fuller explanation of the end-times timeline, see our article To the Watchmen Part 4: End Times Timeline
Book of Enoch links:
Free PDF copy of the Book of Enoch: Book of Enoch (PDF)
Book of Enoch Audiobook
(YouTube read-along version by Alexander Scourby):
Questions about the Book of Enoch?
See our blog: The Truth about Enoch