I looked into this Feast because HE said to me that this day is the sound of His Name.
It’s written that Yom Teruah (also known as the Feast of Trumpets and Rosh Hashanah) was to be a remembrance of “TERUAH” on the first day of the seventh month, but the reason for the Feast is not explained in the Scriptures.
Here’s what I found when I looked into the matter:
The word RUA in Hebrew means to shout, to make a battle cry, or to sound an alarm. By the original Hebrew letters, RUA is a picture of turning the head ר (resh) and ו (vav) paying attention ע (ayin), as you would do when hearing a loud shout or alarm.
TERUAH is the Hebrew word for the sound itself – the sound of a loud cry, of an alarm, and of a great shout.
In the wilderness, YHVH told Moses to make two silver trumpets. “Teruah” is a great and loud sound that could be made by those trumpets, and the sound was to be used for two specific occasions:
- To move the camps, and
- In a time of war
YHVH told Israel that when they made the sound of teruah in a time of war, they would be remembered by Him and saved from their enemies. And here is where I understood what HE meant when HE told me that the day of Yom Teruah is the sound of His Name:
To sound the teruah is to call out for the salvation which HE has already promised. In Hebrew, the word for salvation is YASHUA. So, teruah is a cry for YASHUA (salvation), which is the Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Yom Teruah is a foreshadow of the Day of THE LORD which is coming soon.
The Great Day of THE LORD is called a day of trumpet and teruah (Zephaniah 1).
It’s written that on this Day, when YASHUA returns, HE comes with all His saints. That is, HE moves the camps and the armies in heaven follow Him on this Day. And, when HE comes HE will gather all nations to battle, so His coming is in a time of war from which we will be saved from our enemies.
Below is a video excerpt from our Paleo Hebrew Alphabet series where we discuss the meaning of Yom Teruah.
Shalom to those who are waiting for His Day.
The Meaning of Yom Teruah: A Cry for YASHUA
- The two silver trumpets were also used for gathering the people to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of meeting and for Feast days and sacrifices. But on these occasions, the sound of teruah was not made. The silver trumpets only sounded the teruah to move the camps, and in a time of war (Numbers 10).
- The word teruah is also used:
- By Balaam who said of Israel that “the teruah of a King is among them;”
- Of Jericho, which fell with a great teruah;
- In the days of Eli, the teruah of the people shook the earth when the ark was brought to the battlefield;
- When the foundation of the second temple was laid, the teruah of the people was so loud, it could be heard from far away; and
- When David brought back the ark of the covenant, it was with teruah and trumpet.